Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I dont wanna sleep
it brings me dreams
it gives me hope
it keeps me alive
then rips my heart
and eats it with pride

How do you feel
when dreams are shattered
not once, not twice
but many times
and each time it shatters
there is a consolation
that something good will happen
to keep me alive
then rip my heart
and eat it with pride

Now it brings me fear
that everything is a lie
and asks me to die
"you dont have a heart
the all that was there
it has been taken"
"Now you are useless
a piece of crap"
I dont wanna sleep
it brings me dreams

I saw a dream
that made me scream
i wore a crown
friends were cheering
everyone was praising
a stone came at them
a stone went from them
they started a fight
they needed a king
who was cunning
so they threw me away
and burnt me alive
i cried and cried
noone was there
to take my sorrow
to save my heart
from ripping apart
i dont wanna dream
i dont wanna sleep

But i slept sound
sound as a mountain
without any fear
without any tears
and i learned nothing.
had another dream
they came in my life
made me alive
taught me how to love
the people you like
but we had a gap
they never showed
i walked towards them
and fell into the ditch
i laughed, i cried
had nothing to do
the dream was shattered
not once not twice
but many times

Now nor do i fear
niether i cry
i learnt from my tears
the things that are together
are not always happy
but those that are away
may have a reason to smile
a moment of pride
a reason to live

i dont wanna sleep
i dont wanna dream
that shows me things
that are not real
but makes me feel
that somethings are mine
though for a moment
it keeps me alive
yet rips my heart
and eats it with pride

P.S. May subject to change